Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Configuration of AXF solutions for Managed Attachment from UCM & IPM

Following are the steps to be followed to configure Managed Attachments from Oracle Webcenter Content for peoplesoft 

Please note : these steps are to cover the configurations required from UCM and IPM only.

And these steps are used for Oracle Webcenter Content and IPM


For configuring managed attachment to work for people soft with UCM,it requires an AXF solution.
And AXF solution comes with IPM (AXF tables are a part of IPM data base schema).

Following are the steps followed to setup the AXF solution adapter for people soft from ECM

  1.      Setup IPM as managed server in ECM
  2.     Configure a UCM connection from IPM for the content repository
  3.      Enable IpmRespository, AppAdapterCore , AppAdapterPSFT and Content Folios in UCM
Please Note : for PS4, AppAdapterCore and AppAdapterPSFT components have bugs. A patch for these two components are available in support.oracle.com ( patch number : Patch 12878079: EBS/PSFT Adapter for ECM Managed Attachments Patch (build 3) ).  Though it says for PS3, it is applicable for PS4 ( as well.

 So if we are setting it for the first time, these two components need to be downloaded from the support and follow the steps given in the readme.txt for the same to apply it
Else disable the components, and install and enable the patched components by following the steps given in readme.txt file

        4. Run the following installation scripts  in IPM Schema
(Scripts are located in  MW_HOME/ECM_HOME/axf/adapters/psft/)

INSERT INTO AXF_SOLUTIONS (SOLUTION_NAMESPACE, SOLUTION_CONTEXT) VALUES ('UCM_Managed_Attachments', 'ejb.AxfCommandMediator#oracle.imaging.axf.service.AxfCommandMediatorRemote');

INSERT INTO AXF_COMMANDS (SOLUTION_NAMESPACE, COMMAND_CLASS, COMMAND_NAMESPACE) VALUES ('UCM_Managed_Attachments', 'oracle.imaging.axf.commands.ucm.AfGrantAccessCommand', 'UCM_Managed_Attachments');

INSERT INTO AXF_SOLUTION_PARAMETERS (SOLUTION_NAMESPACE, COMMAND_NAMESPACE, CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE, PARAMETER_KEY, PARAMETER_VALUE) VALUES ('UCM_Managed_Attachments', 'UCM_Managed_Attachments', 'oracle.imaging.axf.commands.ucm.AfGrantAccessCommand', 'RIDC_CONNECTION_STR', 'idc://<hostname>:4444');

INSERT INTO AXF_SOLUTION_PARAMETERS (SOLUTION_NAMESPACE, COMMAND_NAMESPACE, CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE, PARAMETER_KEY, PARAMETER_VALUE) VALUES ('UCM_Managed_Attachments', 'UCM_Managed_Attachments', 'oracle.imaging.axf.commands.ucm.AfGrantAccessCommand', 'UCM_CONNECTION_STR', 'http://<hostname>/cs/idcplg/_p/min/af/trigger-[ContentServerProfile]?IdcService=GET_SEARCH_RESULTS_FORCELOGIN&ResultCount=5&ResultTemplate=[ResultTemplate]&SearchEngineName=DATABASE.METADATA.AFLIST');


 5.  Verifying Required Oracle UCM Components and Configuration
Follow these steps to verify that required Oracle UCM components are enabled on the Content Server.
          1.    Log in to Content Server as an administrator.
          2.    Click the Configuration for [Instance] link in the content server Administration tray.
          3.    In the Features And Components section, click Enabled Component Details.
         4.    From the details shown, verify that the following components are enabled. If a component is not listed, install and enable it according to its installation documentation.
The following components must be at or above the version level included with Oracle UCM 11gR1 release
o    YahooUserInterfaceLibrary
o    CheckoutAndOpenInNative
o    CoreWebdav
o    NativeOsUtils
o    ContentFolios
         5.    In the User Admin applet, ensure that the roles below have the correct access level to the corresponding security groups

6.   In Content Server, select the Administration option from the main menu, choose Admin Applets, then User Admin. Select Security, then Permissions by Role.
o    AFAdmin: AFDocuments (RWDA) and no permissions on any other groups
o    AFDelete: AFDocuments (RWD) and no permissions on any other groups
o    AFWrite: AFDocuments (RW) and no permissions on any other groups
o    AFRead: AFDocuments (R) and no permissions on any other groups


  1. Hi Poornima,

    We couldn't find AXF folder in ECM_HOME, should we download any patch? Please suggest on this.

  2. Hi Charan,
    you can finx the AXF folder under the ECM installation directory under middleware e.g : D:\apps\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_ECM1\axf\adapters

  3. Hi Poornima,
    Thanks for reply its working now. We had done configuration of AXF. Created a managed attachments button on OAF, it's opening the UCM Search form. We are trying to get the screen which shows all the butto'ns like NEW,SCAN,FORM REPOSITORY etc., as shown in this link: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E28389_01/doc.1111/e17954/e02_attchmt_screens.htm". Could you please helpus what to do, We tried changing the parameter in AXF_SOLUTION_PARAMETERS.

  4. Hi Chetan,
    Have you already done the steps mentioned in



  5. Hello Poornima,

    When you enabled the AppAdapterCore and AppAdapterPSFT along with running the SQL scripts where you able to get access to the Managed Attachments Administration Interface? Because we are unable to see it and when we are on the Content Server from the Administration Menu. It seems that Managed Attachment menu option is missing.

  6. hi ,
    sorry for the late reply. If i remember correctly you will see this screen from your application suite isn't? ( sorry if i understood incorrectly)
    Because after we complete the steps in WCC and also in PSFT, we were able to see the screen from PSFT



  7. Hi Poornima, Do we need AXF for managed attachments to work with UCM and E-business suite?


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Sam, yes we need it for EBS as well.
      sorry for the very late reply.

  9. Hello Poornima,

    Can you tell me how can I download ECM/AXF-script from oracle ?

    1. its part of the Webcenter content installation

  10. Hi,

    I need to integrate Imaging with JD Edwards via AXF.
    Can you please advise me on how this can be done.
    All the examples i have gone through depicts integrations with either Peoplesoft or Oracle Ebiz.

    Thanks in anticipation,

  11. Hi,

    How to establish a connection between Webcenter content to Peoplesoft..

    what are the steps needs to be followed exactly

  12. Hi,

    But how to integrate and establish a connection b/w webcenter content with peoplesoft ?

    Kindly plz explain those steps as well.your early response is highly appreciated.

  13. Hi Poornima,
    we are using the 12.2.5 version, when we click on Managed Attachments Button it throws error as "You have insufficient privilege to access the page. afGuid is Invalid". Any idea about this...?
